You were so very difficult to get done this year *sings* -- I won't go into details, but the cobblers kids don't have shoes, the bakers kids are hungry, and the electrician's wife and mom (X2) didn't have proper tree lights for quite a while --- 'nuff said!!!
I finally finished decorating the tree yesterday - nobody else in the family really cares about this kind of stuff so I do it myself. And every year I put out less and less decorations, because it's a lot of work to do when nobody (but me) appreciates it! I don't think I'm the only one that feels that way, tho - I know Barb @
So How Was Your Day? has had some Scroogey days too!! Been there, done that, go through it every year, Barb - so I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! I don't know why I even bother with the tree and the trimmings - every year I just want to cancel the whole shebang - and that includes this year. It's pretty crummy being outnumbered by SCROOGES!