I whipped up a trio of zipper bags today (birthday gift for a friend) - these are all lined with the pink gingham that I used for the zipper pull on 2 of the bags. I wish I could remember where I got that fabric - it's much nicer than the thin crappy gingham that my local fabric store sells - it's a nice medium weight and sews like a dream! I'm quickly running out of it, so I use it sparingly :D

Here are the goodies I purchased at Joanns when hubby and I went Stateside a week ago ... it was a last minute trip and it turns out that the sale they were having at that time, was pretty damn crappy (that's twice in a row we've gone down during a shitty sale!) - because it was last minute I didn't even have any coupons - next time I check the sales flyer BEFORE we decide to go! :D

And here's a photo of some beasties that my son took yesterday @
Reptilia, when he and his girlfriend went to visit. This was the only picture I could bear to look at - they seemed to have liked the snakes an awful lot --- PASS!!!
Edited to add a correction: OOPS! The two ribbons (flamingo and flowers) in the shopping photo were from a wonderful seller on ebay -
ribbongeek! :) Excellent prices, excellent service (I ordered the flamingo ribbon and they included the floral ribbon as a bonus - NICE!!) and reasonable shipping to Canada - 5* sellers in my book :)