Here are some "use up that big stash of black and white scraps I have" zipper bags - I used teardrop beads from Ebay for the zipper pulls, and the one on the left has a bunny ring (also from Ebay) as an added treat :D Sadly, I saw no evidence of stash reduction - I guess I need to keep sewing ;)
Here's how I used up some butterfly fabrics I had in stash - these bags measure 8.5x4.5x2.5" :)
Strawberry bags made with some fabric scraps - they measure 11x4x3" and 8x3.5x3" :)
A mishmash of use-up-fabrics boxy bags, these, like the previous bags, have been sent to Blue Hills. Black and white measures 10.5x5x3", blue Disney print measures10.5x5x3", and the pink floral (which I recall was a remnant from Evelyns in Newmarket) measures 7x4x2.5" :)
I think this was another remnant from Evelyns - my friend Nancy and I raid their remnant bin whenever we go to the store :) Sometimes it's empty, much to our
horror dismay! To me, remnants and scraps are the jewels of the fabric world :) These bags measure 7x3x2" and 11x4x3" (X 2 bags).

Tomatoes! My lovely neighbour Maria has a garden in her back yard that is producing a LOT of beautiful veggies! Here's a picture she sent me a week or so ago, of produce she picked in one day :D She's an awesome cook - our family benefits from that as she sends over goodies (and produce!) on a regular basis :D
She called me today and told me to go look at (our shared) fence - this is what I saw when I went outside (couldn't resist a bit of photo editing, LOL) :) She is the BEST neighbour!
I have a new-to-me project to post when I can get some proper pictures outside - my trial run of a
Bendy Bag by Lazy Girl Designs. I was very intimidated by the instructions (they look very long and involved). When I finally sat down to sew it, I realized it was no more difficult than doing a boxy bag like the ones above. The awesome shape comes from some very creative - but simple - sewing steps :D Can't wait to share it ... and to make more, lol.