Our incessant and seemingly never-ending computer/internet problems may finally be over and done with - we had TWO Bell techs come out to the house last week. Routers were replaced and moved, ethernet wires were replaced and rerouted, two laptops went in for servicing (that HURT! LOL!!!), fingers were crossed, curses were uttered, patience was stretched, but in the end, it seems everything fell into place. Our sons went without XBox live for months, and now that's up and running too, as are our laptops. Even my old clunky dinosaur back-up desktop computer is now online! Life is GOOD!!! I LOVE THE INTERNET, lolol!!

I haven't gotten much done in the last week - it was hot, and I was stressed and cranky. I did make this little bag last night to use as a gift bag ... I've LONG wanted to do this kind of project.
This flickr album is what originally inspired me, and
this particular picture is the one that got me going! Check out her
fun blog for fun reading with lots of eye candy :) YAY for Vicki H. @ Turkey Feathers!

Here's what I'm working on today - a sewing machine cover, starring my delightful model Zoomer (lol) :) - using
this pattern :)