The bent: when your sewing day starts like this, you know things are going to get grim, lol. Just kidding - this happened a few days ago and I kept the pin as a reminder to remove them before stitching over them - I don't always do that, and this is the result :D
The bad: here's a new to me bag (#7 in my
52 in 16 evil plot) - it looks fine in the pictures, but it's not how the bag was meant to turn out. I decided I didn't need to read the directions in full, and cut the boxes double the size they were supposed to be. The
bag should be larger and flat - mine still looks OK (although - the handles don't look good with the size I ended up with) and is completely useable - it's just not what I wanted.
Here's what the straps look like - they actually look cute in this picture but they're just not right. Pay attention next time, Sandra, lol! I link to the tutorial in the paragraph above this one - it's a free pattern from Craftsy.com, but you do need to have a (free) membership :) NAYY!
The good: on to a new-to-me project that DID work out - quite well, in fact! I've had
this pinned for a long time and got to it yesterday. It's going in my gift box :D YAY #8 of 52 in 16 :D
The good, part deux: here are some finger puppets I finished this month- they were free patterns. The bumblebee and elephant were from goodcritters.com (but they came as part of a newsletter so I don't know if they're still available) and the bunny is
here :) The bunnies are going to houses with very young kids so they didn't get pompom tails, but I have more cut out and they'll be tailed ;)
The good, part three: one last photo before I run upstairs to get supper started - I made the rocket zippy in this photo,
last month. This month I made the drawstring bag to use as the gift wrap for the gift, which will be the rocket zippy with $$ inside, and some rocket finger puppets :D The applique is from fourwisemonkeys.blogspot.com but it looks like the site is now private. I must have printed the pattern before they privatized :)
Will post the mis-sized boxy and the monster zippy to
New to Me for March, when it goes live :D