Here's my first NSM (National Sewing Month) completion for September - I couldn't post a picture earlier as I had to wait for it to arrive in North Carolina! It's a knitting needle case for my friend Karin :) The tutorial is
here, but I made it a few inches longer than they did, to fit her favorite needles ;)
I completed NSM project #8 today, but like
#7, I can't post it because it's a gift, and the recipient will recognize it, lol. It's part of the theme package I'm working on :)

Here are some paper pieced blocks I finished for my October Quilters Dozen project - I think the next blocks up are applique so I have to dig out the pattern to see what I need to do next.

I also worked a bit on some string blocks to try to use up some of the scraps in my scrap box - it's starting to overflow so I'll whip up blocks for a string quilt. I make 9.5" unfinished string blocks, and sew together 4 of them to make an 18" (finished) block ... the 18" blocks will be set 3 X 4 for a quilt that's approximately 54" X 72" - perfect throw size. These quilts get birthed with polar fleece, so 2 metres of fleece is enough to finish off one quilt. No batting, no binding, and stitch in the ditch quilting means they're quick to finish. These will be donated to ... ? (not sure yet where they're going).