Techy stuff - you can ignore this paragraph if you wish :D
Yesterday I found several emails in my spam folder that turned out not to be spam - they referred to problems with coding on the old template I was using. Apparently it had html stuff at the bottom that had links that Google had deemed inappropriate - it's more detailed than that but I really don't understand any of it :D I went to change the template and found that the template provider had removed it herself (they gave me warnings it would happen but I didn't see them because they were in the spam folder - that's technology for you!), so I threw up a basic template and will have to start rejigging it. I'd love to figure out how to make a montage photo collection of some of my projects and put it in the header - I see that on many blogs - I think it's a great look!
In the interim, since posts without photos are boring ...
Notebook cover made with F8's from Quilt a Bag in Markham :) This was a Christmas gift for my friend Nancy :D Folded, it measures 8"w x 10"t. |
I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas with their family and friends - I had all my boys here for Christmas - YAY - and my gift from hubby was a shopping trip Stateside to hit Joanns - we went this past Sunday and had a great time :) I'm sure I had more fun than he did, LOL! He even offered up dinner at Olive Garden on Military Trail in Niagara Falls :) The service wasn't great but the food was :) I don't think we'll go back to that location - we can try a nearby one :)