And posting on Monday - aren't I just the fancy one! ;)
Hubby and I went on a Joanns run this past weekend - he offered, I accepted, we had a lovely time :) I managed to pick up about 25 yards of fabrics on sale, and thanks to a couple of discount coupons from a lovely niece (thanks, Cassendra!) I got an even further discount on quite a few of them - SCORE! Colour me happy :D
2 yard cuts of these prints - I bought them to make donation tote bags :) My favourite is the pink elephants! |
2 yard cuts (plus about 1/2 yard of each that was an end of bolt remnant) of a couple of my favourite Joanns fabrics - sharks and lime green polka dots - you can never have enough of these in stash, as far as I'm concerned ;) |
More stash fabrics I always have on hand - red, and black, tone on tone prints :) |
These Halloween prints were on sale for half price, so I picked up 3 yards of the bats and a yard of the dots - enough for 3 pillowcases for next Halloween :) |
4 of 5 sub-sections :) |
Here are a few things I've started or that I've been working on :D This
free paper pieced block caught my eye so I decided to make one to embellish a tote. I had forgotten how much fabric gets wasted on these acute angles - it drives me crazy as I really REALLY hate wasting fabric :D The pattern is very cute though, so if I must waste, I do, after all, have enough fabric for all those angles ;)
Here are the projects I started for
Monday Makers! #23 :) At the top are 2 heart shaped zipper pouches that I'm making for my little neighbour girls for Valentine's Day. Bottom row are the pieces all cut out for 2 Oriental boxy bags - the Oriental print and the green batik print, were remnants from a local quilt store - I was able to cut 3 boxy bags from the fabrics (one is already completed).
Here's a close-up of the threads I used for the first Oriental bag - gold for the (very simple) quilting, green for the rest of the bag. I have gold dragon charms picked out for zipper pulls for these bags :)
For fun, I'm adding jingle bell zipper pulls to the heart pouches - I have lots in stash, and I found several that had pink in them to match the fabrics I picked :) These should be fun for the young girls!
The pink monkey jingle bell I found in stash - I need to get more of these - they're quite adorable :D
I got my
Monday Makers! #22 project finished - it was a set of 3 bibs and a taggy. I just have to throw the pieces in the washing machine before taking a picture - I want to make sure all the seams and ribbons are secure :D I melted a couple of the ribbons on the taggy when I was finishing it - I had to do a lot of froggy stitching, cut the bad ones out, and add new ones! Lesson learned - I'll be more careful next time, lol!
Posted to Monday Makers! #23 :)