Am I lucky or what??!! A little while ago I was chosen as the winner of a blog giveaway at
Cottage Magpie - my prize was A QUILT ... can you imagine??!!! The blog owner Angela generously added shams and pillow covers to my prize package, even tho she's in the States and I'm in Canada, and I knew the shipping $ would be scary (and it was, OUCH, sorry Angela!). Well - I got my prize on Friday but didn't have a chance to thank her as we were headed away for the long weekend. So now I'm sitting down to give her a shout-out for having such an amazing giveaway ... and for PICKING ME!!! YAY ANGELA AND YAY ME!! Thank you thank you thank you, and sending you huge hugs!!!
I just realized, on preview, that the small pillow covers aren't in the photo - I didn't have any throw pillows the right size so they're still sitting on my dresser, lol.

We went to visit my family for Thanksgiving - while there, we zipped Stateside to do a bit of shopping in New York - I picked up some sewing patterns, craft patterns, velcro, fat quarters, fabric and a "Pretty Little" book :) Oh how I love Joanns, LOL.

Here are the little surprise gifty sets I made for my "wimmins" (sister, SIL, two nieces) for Halloween - Pink Penguin fabric baskets, log cabin hotpad, and some candy :)

Last up - a couple of cage quilts I made today for my
favorite shelter (hi Stac!) - the rust one on the bottom is 23" square, and the floral one on top is 18" square - both were made with stash scraps :)
That's it for now - I have to go finish peeling the potatoes, LOLOL!!!