Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Lleyton :D

Here are some Halloween craft pics of and for g-nephew Lleyton (10 months old) ... a few things old Aunt Sandra made him for his first Halloween :D

Halloween bib, embellished with spinach and peas ;)

Hallowen onesie, sans baby -- I'm sure I'll get a photo of onesie *avec* baby :D
Bat stuffy for LL :D
Little trick or treat bag for LL :)

I can't wait to see him in his Halloween costume, lol!


  1. He's so cute and lucky to have an Aunty that makes such lovely things.

  2. Does he comes from Wiesley family?

  3. What a cutie! That boy has the most beautiful head of hair. He's gonna be a heart breaker.

  4. Lots and lots of cuteness! Especially the pic avec baby LL.


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