We always spend New Years Eve quietly at home with our friends Paul and Louise - I worked with Paul way back in '86, and we've been friends since then. We like to do a "Mexican Fiesta" - tonight's menu is nachos (2 kinds - one with and one without refried beans) - tacos (soft and hard), Layered Enchilada Bake from this site ... http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/recipes/recipedetail.htm?recipe_id=107317
and Spanish rice (aka Mexican rice, lol). Not sure what dessert will be, as Louise is bringing it :) She's also bringing snackies - cabbage rolls and eggrolls - we're going to DINE FINE tonight, thats for sure!!

Last night I finished another crumb quilt top - 54" X 72" --- thats 7 tops done (and blocks finished for 3 more) -- I'll start birthing these with fleece next year (aka tomorrow). These will be donation quilts.
Now I'm off to chop lettuce and tomatoes and to make some taco stuffing - I hope everyone has a happy - and SAFE!!! - New Years - please don't drink and drive, and if you see a train - STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM IT!!! *glances upwards and toasts Buzz with a diet pepsi *
Sandra :)