I know I'm not the only one that had *husband issues* (ahem) @ Christmas - so for those of us that had crap, BRING ON THE CHOCOLATE! I'm glad the whole thing is over for another year - I must remember for 2012 to arrange to be on another planet or a deserted island for the festive season. Or maybe just hubby can go to the far-off planet - that bears investigating!
On a happier note we're waiting for news about a special delivery from our very expectant niece --- I'm sure my sister (grandma-to-be) jumps every time the phone rings! Any day now ... *rubbing my hands with glee* :)

On a totally unrelated note (hehe) here's a project I completed recently - McCalls #M6368 - burp cloth, taggy blanket and bib :) I have a pink set under construction as well :D