I'm also going to make an appointment with a naturopath about my psoriasis - the newest medication I'm taking isn't helping much, I'm tired of my hands and feet hurting, I'm tired of limping, and I'm tired of all these stupid medications NOT WORKING!!! My psoriasis isn't some special case that's different than everybody elses - it's like the drug companies are making these stupid drugs KNOWING they won't work. I've tried over a dozen different drugs and NONE of them work??!!! None of the doctors can give me any suggestions as to what I might be doing to exacerbate the problem - they prescribe new and different medications that - after 2 or 3 or 4 months of use - DON'T DO ANYTHING!!!
I'm hoping that the naturopath can give me some help working on this. As it is I can't give blood now for 2 years because one of the medications I took last year can cause BIRTH DEFECTS if a pregnant lady gets my blood! That is serious medication ... and it DIDN'T EVEN WORK!!!!
Psoriasis SUCKS!!! /end rant!!!!