We got home from our 9 day trip late Saturday night - I was so glad to get home, but of course neither of the kids were home - they were out and about, hehe. The house was in one piece (and not even disgustingly dirty), the cat was uninterested in our arrival (which means he was content and not lonely), no car repairs were needed on the boys car or truck, there were no summonses from cops and no hysterical messages from irate neighbours - yep - I'd say my kids passed the responsibility test - well done, N & C :)
We visited friends in Ohio - hi, Patty and Charlie and Dishy and Pat ... we visited friends in North Carolina - hi, Karin and John, hi Karen ... we visited a friend in Pennsylvania - hi, Young Nana Mickie -- we shopped, we ate, we had fun, but we're definitely glad to be home!
I have some photos to post, but I'm still unpacking and doing laundry and getting housework done, so I'll just post a few at a time.

I've recently started knitting dishcloths. I know only the basics of knitting, and I'm not interested in learning how to make fancy things like sweaters and booties. Dishcloths are very easy and forgiving, so I'm having fun with them (now that I know to use cotton yarn, HAHAHA). I picked up a few dishcloth pattern books and some yarn on our trip, and had fun knitting in the car!! I also picked up a couple of sewing books - hard to resist when I have a Joanns 40% off coupon ;)
Fabric photos coming -- right now I have to go work on a load of laundry, lol.