Thursday, April 14, 2011

The synapses aren't firing on all cylinders :D

1. Yesterday I made a lovely large pot of turkey broth from the carcass of the turkey I had cooked earlier this week. Today I made turkey and wild rice soup, using chicken bouillon cubes and water instead of turkey broth. !!!!!

D'oh #1!

2. Last night's synapse fail:
Froggy stitching required - rippit rippit rippit :D

D'OH #2!!

And now, from the NON-fail sector ... one of the "twin quilts" I'm working on - fortunately I had no brain freezes during construction, LOL! Presenting ... hungry hungry hippos! ;)


  1. Ah, Sandra!
    I am sure the soup was good.
    You stitch so neatly, no one will know about the froggy stitching.
    The quilts are lovely.
    FNSI and Tzatzki! Great things -- onward and upward!

  2. I'm sure the soup was wonderful!! Yipee for FNSI!!

  3. I'm having a day like that myself - dropped a cup of coffee in my right shoe this morning, on my way out the door, and tonight I broke the door on the dishwasher. Should have stayed in bed. LOVE the hippos!


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