I recently joined a Yahoo group created for Canadian crafters who want to make items for Canadian charities - thats me! The group is called Caring 4 Canadians ... it's at
http://tinyurl.com/2njqj2 ... and what a nice bunch of ladies I've been chatting with!! I love the "world wide" part of the internet and treasure the friends I've made from all over, but sometimes it's nice to talk to people locally, who have the same crappy weather as me, or who shop at the same stores, or who don't have the same stores I don't have ;) They even have a BBQ planned for July in Toronto, and I'm going to move heaven and earth so I can go to it! LOVE IT!!

Most of them are yarn arteeests - they knit and crochet the most delightful items. I of course will be sewing, and I've already started a couple of projects. The first is a bright string baby quilt ... and I'm also going to make baby bibs with a lot of my scrap flannel. I'm 2/3 done the quilt top, and completed 2 bibs today. I'm not sure which of their projects my items will go to, but I'll decide when I get everything done.

I did get a bunch of sewing done today --- 7 blocks for the baby quilt, 1 more paper pieced house block for Wee Houses, 2 bibs, and 5 needle cases almost completed - I just need to buy the felt for the inside, and add the snap (tutorial available at
http://tinyurl.com/3y9gk2 If it would warm up a bit so I could get out walking again, life would be GRAND!!
Sandra :)