Anna is the real noodlehead (actually her daughters are, but for the sake of clarity and brevity, I'll lay that moniker on Anna, hehe) but I'll be a noodlehead assistant - I made my first
noodlehead zipper bag today, lol!! It's sooo cute!!
I followed her directions for the gathering & front band, but then I did my usual Heart of Mary construction for the rest of the bag - I can do these in my sleep now, lol. I love the way the gathers look - it adds a nice dimension and ZING to the bags - thanks, Anna, for the tute and idea!

On Saturday hubby and I went to New York to go to a quilt show at the
Amherst Museum, and to do a bit of shopping. He's always so good about taking me to stuff like that - he's a nice guy :) (He even asked, on the way home, when the big show is in Kitchener so we can make plans to go!). We went to the show and to several Joanns, Walmart, Kmart and Aldi ... I had a few quilt stores on my list but I was just too tuckered to shop any more. How embarrassing!! I did manage to find some pretties, and came home very happy :) Not pictured - 2 queen sized Warm n Natural batts, 10 yards of iron on interfacing, and a
Fig Tree quilts clutch pattern :D
Hubby won a doorprize at the quilt show, and he kindly donated the win to his loving and appreciative wife :D Next time I'll remember to take my camera to the show - there were some AMAZING quilts on display - absolutely breathtaking!
It was a great day with perfect weather - I just wish our friends Luchy & Attilio NoBlog could have come with us - we'll be going again, tho, so hopefully next time they can make it :)