Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Where's my fluffer??!!" :)

My sons and I were doing a photography session this morning (DS2 is better with the camera than I am, lol).  I finished an Oliver + S bucket hat last night as a gift for a special little guy and wanted a picture, so I enlisted DS1 to model it.  A 24 year old is of course the perfect one to model a hat for an 18 month old, yes?  YES!  When I stuck the hat on his head and handed him the book that I bought to go with it, he commented ... "There's going to be a fatality in the house soon!"  Such a ham :)  The fluffer comment came when we were posing and adjusting him for the camera - I didn't know what it meant (someone to fluff pillows, maybe?) and when I found out, the photography session was pretty much over, as I was unable to continue without falling on the floor laughing, lol.  I'll let you look it up, if, like me, you're unfamiliar with the phrase :D

Oliver + S bucket hat for Lleyton - modelled by his 2nd cousin Nick :D
Here are the best pics from this morning's session.  DS1 is such a good sport!


  1. ROFL! I had to look it up.

  2. lol That's so funny. Love the mean model!!
    He looks so chuffed to be wearing it.
    Cheers, Anita.

  3. And you knew we would be looking that up, didn't you? But just how do those "innocent" boys of yours know such things... lol.

  4. LOL!!!!!!!!! You are too funny!!!! Your boys are such good sports =D
    p.s. the hat is super cute!!!!!! =D

  5. how come I'm the only one who knew what a fluffer is?? Says a lot about us English girls...

    Nick looks AMAZING in that hat, love the photo where he's "asleep"!


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